A Guide on the Different Services that Make Importing Cars in Canada Easier


Canadian customs laws on imported items are very strict like they should be. One of the main reasons that such laws are imposed so strictly is to discourage smuggling and illegal import of goods in Canada. However, at times, even genuine importers end up in trouble for the fact that they fail to produce all the required documents in time because they’re partially unaware of such details. It might strike a chord with you if you’ve ever actually tried to handle the import of automobiles all by yourself. Not that it’s just expensive, it’s equally stressful. Hence, services like Clearit car importing services. 

Clearit Canada is one of the leading customs clearance firms that allots agents to handle every single import they deal with. Some reasons that they are so successful are as follows. 

  • They treat every individual project passionately. 
  • They have all the knowledge to keep up with the ever changing customs laws. 
  • They understand how stressful imports can be. Hence, they keep in touch with their clients from the beginning until the very end. 

That said, let’s now take you through a couple of Clearit car importing services that you should know about. 

  1. Generating the ITN

ITN is the Internal Transaction Number that’s actually a proof for ownership. It’s one of the most important import documents that’s a declaration that the automobile has left the place of export legally. In other words, that it’s not smuggled. 

When it comes to applying for one, things can get really tricky when you don’t know how to get one generated. It also makes the entire process really expensive. On the contrary, when applied for and generated by customs brokers at firms like Clearit, it will cost you just 125 dollars minus all the stress that you have had otherwise. 

  1. Filing for Clearance at Customs

There are many documents that have to be submitted to the customs so that the goods can be cleared immediately. And there’s no better way than the electronic document submission methods used at Clearit to ensure that none of those documents are misplaced. In other words, they are always a step ahead to ensure that your goods are cleared as quickly as possible.

A few other car importing services that they provide include the following. 

  • Submission to Automotive Export Control 72 hour notice before the cargo arrives. 
  • Agent on site at time of crossing.
  • Remittance of duties & taxes to Canada Customs.
  • Coordination of border crossing.

You can always buy just the ITN service. But they also provide all the services for successful car import in Canada at just 389.99 dollars. So, do check out their services if you want your experience to be a smooth one.